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Raymarine Autohelm 2000

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Summary of Contents for Raymarine Autohelm 2000

  • Page 1 Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon or RTN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine. The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company.
  • Page 3: Autohelm

    AUTOHELM 2000 -----.---_--.-- ______ -.-.--.- Aulohelm 2000 is an Cockpil and loller conliguralions vary digital liller autopilot which shares Ihe widely and lo ensure your Aulohclm same microprocessor Iechnology buill 2000 inslallalion is as neal and secure as into our biggest and mosl sophisticaled possible a lull range ol lillrng accessones lully inslalled pilols.
  • Page 4 INSTALLATION DRI V E UNI T Clamp Ihe tiller on the yacht’s cenlre The drive unil is mounled belween the toiler and a single allachmenl poinl on the line and mark elf dimensions A and B (A is measured on the STARBOARD side of yacht’s structure.
  • Page 5 II Ihe slruclure thickness al Ihe BASIC INSTALLATION mounling posilion is less Ihan 25mm Alter eslahlrshrng Ihe conlrol dimensions (1”) carelully reinforce Ihe under the Aulohelm 2000 can usually be surface wilh a plywood plale bonded mounled drreclly onto the Starboard into position.
  • Page 6 TILLER BRACKETS (Figs.5 and 6) Mark oil Ihe position 01 the cenlres of Where the herghl 01 Ihe loller above or below Ihe cockpil seat or mounting plane Drill Iwo 6mm clearance holes through Ihe cenlre is such lhal slandard mounling is not line 01 the Irtter.
  • Page 7 CANTILEVER MOUNTING (Fig.7) Remove burrs with He. Where II is ncccessary lo nllach Ihe 0 Tr?rriporarily aulopilol lo a verlical lace such as the by scrcwrrlg the rod into the mounting cockpit srdewall a canlrlever sockel Ilange. Ensure lhe drive unit is horizontal assembly is used.
  • Page 8 PEDESTAL SOCKET MOUNTING Ensure that control dimensrons A and II may be necessary lo raise the hcrghl B are corrccl Mark and drrtt 3 x 6mm (V Ihe Aulohelrn mourrliny sock& above Ihe clearance holes (ignore Ihe Iwo inner mounting surlace. For this a pedeslal Iroles).
  • Page 9 CONTROL UNIT headings are always adjusted by reference lo the main sleering compass. The conlrol unit slols into a permanently Nevertheless, deviation should be mounled socket sited in the cockpit II avoided if possible and thus the conlrol contains a gimballed fluxgale compass unit should be siled as far away from and Iherefore has some reslriclions on...
  • Page 10 WINDVANE ATTACHMENT TIE w~ndvane atlaclrrrrcnt is normally niounled cenlrally on lhe alter rail where it can be sited in clear wrnd on bolh lacks. The windvane mounting masl is clamped lo Ihe aller rail by Ihe Iwo ‘U’ bolls provided (Fig.12). The inlerconnecling cable should be broughl Ihrough Ihe slol lo allow Ihe windvane head to be plugged into Ihe lop 01 Ihe...
  • Page 11 KEYPAD OPERATION Full conlrol of Ihe Autohelm 2000 is provided via a simple six bullon key pad. The basic control functions are as tallows:- When the aulopilol is swilched on il wilt always star1 up in Stand by mode. In...
  • Page 12 WINDVANE SYSTEM apparent wind angle. Pcrlormance under windvano has been This syslcm eliminates the ellecls 01 turbulence or shorl term wind varialions improved by Ihe inlroduction of Wind and provides smooth precise Trim. perlormance under windvane with Wilh Wind Trim the compuler uses Ihe minrmum current consumption.
  • Page 13 OPERATING MODE INDICATION The operating mode of Ihe Aulohelm 2000 is indicated by a flashing LED as follows:- LED FLASIHING CODE OPERATING MODE STANDBY Enables Ihe pushrod lo be positioned over the tiller pin and provides power sleenng. AUTO Autopilot steers to maintain compass heading.
  • Page 14: Sea Trials

    SEA TRIALS _- _..._ _. _. ..-. -.. -- _.-. __.. lnltial sea trails should be carried oul in calm conditions with plenly 01 sea room. The previously conducled functional lesl will have verified lhal Ihe aulopilol is operaling correclly and lhal you are familiar with all of its conlrols.
  • Page 15 _.--..--.~ - - - -- The yacht will complele a 100° course Auto-Tack Function change The following addilional trial is lack. recommended: Steer onto a constant heading approximately loo free of close hauled Press Auto to lock onto the current OnlO heading or bolh red keys lo lock Ihe apparenl wind if a vane is filled.
  • Page 16: Operating Hints

    Nautech approved and promptly returned direct to the Service personnel. sender, or Centres. You will find a list enclosed. Each service cenlre is trained and equipped lo provide expert allenlion to your Autohelm 2000. of being faulty freight not in...
  • Page 17 SERVICE CENTRES - UK, Eire and Channel Islands Marine Eleclrontcs Systems rmdgc Buckland Brewer 8ulelold North Dew” 0805 22870 Ocean Marine Servicer tiamprhtre 0 2 4 3 3 7 8 3 1 4 43 aw”“rie Pl~“KXlllI 0752 2 3 9 2 2 Quay Electrtcs (TeignmoutlJ...
  • Page 18 OVERSEAS REf%ESENTATlVES -.-. Argcnlinr lrimrr S.A. I ,.,y I M ,lr‘,,ll r’t,*IMt, ,475 Hlrnlw, nlln AIqPIIlIM lr, to10 5 4 I ) 7 7 4 372Iv4470 lv+” ,117 1 21653 11041 It AIt AUSlnlia Solo Marine pty Ltd 11 Gwen Street Rev&y N S W 2 2 1 2 r,lnrrlii 114 (01061 2)7745255...