1. C# Save Excel File
  2. C# Save Datatable To Excel

I'm trying create a excel file based in a Dataset.

C# Save Excel File

How to save DataSet into Excel files. C# / C Sharp Forums. Is that any other way to save the Dataset into Excel. Excel and.dbf output file from DataSet using.

This is my really simple code.

Export a DataTable to an Excel file and add format to the contents while writing the. Saving DataSet or DataTable instace to an Excel spreadsheet with C#. Hi, Using C#, which is the best and easiest way to export all the data from a..com/Reference/753207/Export-DataSet-into-Excel-using-Csharp-Excel-Inter. OutputStream);//or easy_WriteXLSXFile for xlsx file workbook.


but my excel file result in this:

I have to pass to Export a iqueryble. I think is there my mistake.


C# Save Datatable To Excel

1 Answer

You're seeing the actual properties defined in DataRow, not the columns of your table.

You need to change your Export() method to check for & consume IListProvider to get custom PropertyDescriptors for the columns, or use classes with actual properties (eg, an anonymous type) instead of DataTable.


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