ಬಿ ಎಸ್ ಎನ್ ಎಲ್ ಎಂಪ್ಲಾಯೀಸ್ ಯೂನಿಯನ್

Wage revision for Central Government Employees from 1.1.2016 and wage. The 7th Pay Commission has recommended lowest increase of 14.29% on pay. SNEA suggested to contribute one day salary for the relief works in consultation with all concerned. B) Notification of CPSU Hierarchy: Assn pointed out that.



AUAB has demanded meeting with the Hon'ble Minister of State for Communication to review the action taken on the issues of wage revision, pension revision, left out issues of 2nd PRC, payment of pension contribution on actual basic pay, rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company, etc.

The Circle Working Committee meeting of BSNLEU Karnataka Circle will take place on 30th April 2018 at BSNLEU BgTD Union Office, Rajbhavan Road, Bengaluru 560 001. ( next to Cubbon Road Metro station) Notice has already been sent by e mail as well by post to all CWC members and Dist.Secretaries. Com. Balakrishna M C will preside over the meeting. Com. P. Abhimanyu GS BSNLEU CHQ and Com. Sudharshan H V Organising Sec., BSNLEU CHQ will be participating and addressing the house. All CWC members and Dist.Secretries are requested to attend the meeting without fail. Attendence is compulsory for this CWC meeting, as instructed by GS., gundannack Cir.Sec.,

We regret to inform all concerned, that Smt. Nandavva Basappa Salakki, Mother of Com. G B Salakki, former A G S BSNLEU CHQ, on 20th April 2018. She was 92 years. She was a very intimate mother to many a comrades of BSNLEU at Bijapura as well to a few comrades like me. She was very healthy and active woman even in her old age,. She has participated in many a BSNLEU programmes which took place at Bijapura. I had a very personal relationship with her. BSNLEU Karnataka mourns the sad demise of Smt.Nandavva, and dips its flag in respect to the demised mother of Com.Salakki.

As per the call of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, dharna programme is being conducted throughout the country, demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company. At Corporate Office, dharna programme is organised at the Eastern Court. Report is coming from various circles, about the successful conducting of the programme.

The three day Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU started at Agartala, the capital of Tripura, today. The NE1 circle union and the Tripura district union have made excellent arrangements for the meeting. The meeting started with Flag hoisting. The National Flag was hoisted by Com.Balbir Singh, President. The Union Red Flag was hoisted by Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS. Floral tributes were paid in the martyr’s column. A brief, but impressive cultural programme marked the beginning of the CEC meeting. Com.Balbir Singh, President, is presiding over. Com.Mitun Ranjan Bhowmik,Chairman, Reception Committee, welcomed everyone. Com.P.Abhimanyu,GS, welcomed everyone, on behalf of the CHQ, and briefly spoke on the importance of the CEC meeting.

It is informed by the GM(Rectt.) that the Architect wing of corporate office has given their requisition for the said but it has yet to come from Civil Wing. The union representatives request the GM to take personal initiative to get requisition from civil wing and to conduct the exam without further loss of time. The GM (Rectt.) assured to look into the matter.

The Corporate Office is proposing to hold the next Membership Verification through the check-off system. The GM(SR) has written a letter to all the CGMs, unions and associations, calling for their views on the matter. Seven Membership Verifications have already been successfully conducted in BSNL. No complaint from any quarters. Then what is the problem of the Management? Financial crisis of the Company is the reason, according to the Management. Let them stop shedding crocodile tears about the financial crisis of the Company, and come forward to hold meaningful talks with the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, to curtail wasteful expenditure. BSNLEU will oppose the check-off system tooth and nail, because it will give room for maneuverings and malpractices. A letter to this effect is given to the Management. If it does not pay heed, BSNLEU will go in the offensive to stop it. [Date : ]

The BSNL Non Permanent Workers of Karnataka Circle marched to CGM Office on 15th March 2018. More than 1000 Contract workers sat on Dharana from 1100 hours to 1700 hours demanding payment of wages regulalry before 7th of every month; payment of minimum wages at all places; and many more demands. The programme of was inaugurated by Com.V A N Namboodiri President BSNL C&CWF CHQ; Com.Animesh Mitra Sec.Gen BSNL C&CWF addressed the workers; A detailed report is available inside;

The BSNL Non Permanent Workers of Karnataka Circle marched to CGM Office on 15th March 2018. More than 1000 Contract workers sat on Dharana from 1100 hours to 1700 hours demanding payment of wages regulalry before 7th of every month; payment of minimum wages at all places; and many more demands. The programme of was inaugurated by Com.V A N Namboodiri President BSNL C&CWF CHQ; Com.Animesh Mitra Sec.Gen BSNL C&CWF addressed the workers; A detailed report is available inside;

Gen.Secretary BSNLEU has addressed a letter to Director (Finance) on the issue of payment of P L I for the year 2015-16. Letter attached in PDF.

A meeting of the Joint Committee for Re-designation of Left Out Non-Executives, was held today(26.09.2017). Com. P. Ahhimanyu, GS, Com. Balbir Singh, President and Com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, participated in the meeting. The Management Side was represented by Ms. Anima Roy, GM (Estt.), shri A.M. Gupta, GM(SR), shri Ashutosh Gupta, GM (Restg.) and shri Keshav Rao, GM (Trng.). The following agreements are reached. (a) The cadres of Jamadar, Telegraph Overseer, Lineman, Telegraphman, Carpenter, Mason, Plumber, Painter, AC mechanic, Sewerman, Welder, Technician (TF), Wireman, Pump Operator, Lift Operator, AC Operator and Operator (E&M) are to be Re-designated as Joint Telecom Technician (JTT). (b) TOAs of all the 4 streams are to be Re-designated as Junior Office Associate (JOA). (c) If any left out cadres are there, the staff side members shall inform the Management latest by 10thOctober, 2017. All circle and district secretaries are requested to inform the CHQ, before 10.10.2017, if any cadre is left out from re-designation.

Bsnleuchq Wage Next Pdf

The proposal passed by BSNL’s Management Committee, for giving wage revision to BSNL employees with 15% fitment, has been sent to the DoT also, pending it’s approval by the BSNL Board. When the CMD BSNL has recently met Ms. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary, DoT, she has suggested that both she and the CMD BSNL should meet shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications on the wage revision issue. This was disclosed by the CMD BSNL in today’s meeting.

An all union / association meeting was held today, at NFTE office. Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, BTEU, SEWA BSNL, BSNL MS, BSNL OA and TOA (BSNL). Detailed discussions took place on the issues of wage revision and Subsidiary Tower Company. All the General Secretaries / Representatives expressed their desire for strong and united struggles, for the settlement of wage revision and to stop the formation of Subsidiary Tower Company. Further, most of the unions and associations expressed their desire that, to ensure solid unity, the struggles to settle wage revision and to stop formation of Subsidiary Tower Company, should be conducted under a single platform. Discussions were inconclusive. A meeting will be held at 11:00 AM on 04.10.2017, for taking final decision.

Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS and com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, met shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL today and urged upon him to immediately announce payment of Rs.7,000/- as PLI. The Union representatives gave full justification for this demand. They stated that BSNL continues to put up a strong performance, despite challenges from Reliance Jio, Demonetisation and the introduction of the GST. All these have become possible only because of the contribution of the employees, stated the representatives. They requested the CMD BSNL to take an early decision on this issue. The CMD BSNL, however, stated that last month's salary itself was paid to the employees, by taking over draft from the bank, in view of the severe fall in revenue collection, due to the entry of Reliance Jio, demonetisation and introduction of GST. But, the Union representatives strongly demanded that the Management should consider payment of PLI before the onset of the festival season

The forum of Unions and associations of BSNL in Karnataka Circle, today met Smt.Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary DoT and Chairperson, Telecom Commission. She had an official visit to Bengaluru with regard to Telecommunications and IT sector meeting in Bengaluru. The forum was granted a meeting around 1600 hours and all the forum leaders- Com. Gundanna C K Cir.Sec., BSNLEU; Com. Sudharshan H V Org.Sec., BSNLEU CHQ; Com. Nagavi S B CS SNEA; Com. Hiremath S K CS AIBSNLEA; Com. Sundararaju CS AIGETOA; Com. Mahadev CS BASE (I); Com.K Y Prashanth CS SNATTA; Com.Mahalingaiah CS FNTO and Com. Shivalingappa B S representing SEWA BSNL were in the meeting held with Secretary DoT. A memorandum duly signed by all the Circle Secretaries and all India Office bearers were handed over to Secretary DoT after a detailed discussion on the subject matter. The forum demanded implementation of 3rd PRC to BSNL and it also brought to her notice the protest stand of the forum with regard to formation of subsidiary tower company. The Secretary DoT listened to our views in a very cool and calm way; gone through our memorandum in total; and she expressed her opinion that she was very sympathetic with regard to implementation of 3rd PRC. However, she advised the forum that BSNL should tap those areas, which have not been exploited by other operators and try to earn more revenue for BSNL. With regard to formation of tower company, she categorically told that it is the decision of the Prime Minister of the Country and it will fetch more revenue to the company. The forum leaders countered this point, by saying that the Company is continuously under attack, one after the other, and all the revenue earning resources of the company have been clippered. In the end, she assured us, that she will go through our views in a positive manner. The forum thanks the CGM Karnataka Circle, for getting an appointment to us, despite very heavy and busy schedule of the Secretary DoT.

As all of you are aware, the Union Cabinet has taken decision yesterday, to form a Subsidiary Tower Company. This decision, if implemented, will ruin BSNL. It’s 70,000 mobile towers would be snatched away. Without it’s mobile towers, BSNL will become more or less a skeleton. It is the duty of each and every Non-Executive and Executive, to stop the formation of the Subsidiary Tower Company. As a first step against formation of Subsidiary Tower Company, powerful lunch hour demonstrations would be conducted throughout the country on 15.09.2017. All unions and associations are participating in this programme. Circle and District secretaries of BSNLEU are requested to coordinate with all the other unions and associations and to organise the programme very effectively.

Corporate Office letter on decisions taken in 11th Board meeting of the BSNL Sports and Cultural Board

The 10 central trade unions, viz., INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, UTUC and LPF, together with independent federations of employees and workers, conducted a massive National Convention of Workers at New Delhi today. Thousands of workers participated in the convention, which was held at Talkatora Indoor Stadium. The participation in the convention was so massive that, thousands of workers could not enter the stadium, since it had become full. A presidium, consisting of the presidents of all the 10 central trade unions, presided over the convention. It was addressed by Dr. G. Sanjeeva Reddy (INTUC), com. Amarjit Kaur (AITUC), com. Tapan Sen (CITU), com. H.S. Siddhu (HMS) and many others. The speakers severely criticised the economic policies of the Narendra Modi government, which is only enabling the corporates and the rich to maximise their profits. Failure to generate employment, control price rise and attacks on the public sector came under severe criticism. The speakers also unleashed bitter criticism on the government and the ruling party, for dividing the working masses in the name of religions. Finally, the convention unanimously adopted a declaration, laying the blue print for fighting against the anti-poor and anti-worker economic policies of the government

The 31st all India Conference of NFPE Group C union was inaugurated at Freedom Park, Bengaluru on 6th August 2017. The Conference will continue upto 8th August 2017. Sri.Nanda, Secretary Department of Posts , Com. Tapan Sen, all India Gen.Secretary C I T U and also hon'ble M P, Rajya Sabha, Com. Parashar, Sec.Gen of NFPE etc., were on dias. 'History of P&T Trade Union Movement' , a book authored by Com. V A N Namboodiri was released during the inaugural session by Com. Tapan Sen. Com. Namboodiri also addressed the house after the release of the book. A detailed note along with photos are attached herewith please.

BSNL UNIONS & ASSOCIATIONS OF EXECUTIVE AND NON-EXECUTIVES Conducted one day strike on 27th July 2017 at the all India level. In Karnataka Circle, the strike was most successful one, with many Telephone Exchanges and CSCs, CGM - PGM - GM - TDM administrative offices closed totally. BSNLEU, FNTO,BSNLMS,SNATTA,SNEA(I),AIGETOA and BASE unions were the participating unions and associations of Executives and Non executives in Karnataka Circle. The photos of all the districts of Karnataka Circle are appended herewith.

Corporate Office letter on implementation of the facility of immunity from transfers to the office bearers of the Recognised Unions.

The DPE has finally issued letter regarding the implementation of the recommendations of the 3rd PRC. This letter is based on the decision of the Union Cabinet, held on 19.07.2017, which had accepted the recommendations of the 3rd PRC, without any major change. As per the letter issued by the DPE, it has become clear now that, BSNL employees are not eligible for wage revision. This letter has also now exposed the rumours being spread by some top officers of BSNL, as well as some unions and associations, that the Minister and the government are favourably considering the wage revision of BSNL employees. The unions and associations will meet soon to decide about the next course of action.

. BSNL Management has recently amended the CDA Rules. The existing provision of Rule 55(ii)(b) is deleted and Rules 55(A)(1) and (2) are inserted. The new Rule 55(A)(1) says that the Company has the absolute right to retire an Executive who had entered service before attaining the age of 35 years, and who has attained the age of 50 years. It is also stated that in other cases an official can be retired on attaining the age of 55 years. Para (2) of the newly inserted provision says that the Company has the absolute right to retire any employee after he has completed 30 years of service, by giving him a notice of not less than 3 months in writing, or by paying 3 months pay and allowances, in lieu of such notice. BSNLEU has demanded that the nearly inserted Rules 55(A)(1) and (2) should be withdrawn

A press statement has been issued by the unions and associations today, on the one day strike being organised on 27.07.2017. Circle and district secretaries are requested to kindly arrange for getting this press statement published / telecasted in the state level and local news papers / TV channels

The unions and associations of BSNL, have written to the Management, demanding a meeting with the Directors of BSNL Board. This letter is written to seek the intervention of the Board of Directors, in the matter of arbitrary and whimsical attacks being made on the rights of the employees to go on even peaceful agitational programme

The next phase of agitational programme demanding 3rd PRC implementation to staff of BSNL will be on 27th July 2017. To prepare all the rank and file primary members of BSNLEU in particular and also the staff working in BSNL in general, the BSNLEU CHQ has released the campaign material in English, along with posters. The BSNLEU Karnataka Circle has translated the same into Kannada language and 10,000 copies of the same is under print. The Circle will see that it reaches to all the Branch Secretaries in a day or two. In addition to this, the same is published in website also, for the convenience of all the staff who visit our website. gundannack circle secretary, BSNLEU KTK CIRCLE.

The Extended Circle Working Committee meeting of Karnataka Circle has been conducted on 9th July 2017, at Secretariat Club, Cubbon Park, Bengaluru. The main agenda for discussion was the recent developments with regard to 3rd PRC to BSNL Staff and the programme of actions related to it. Com. P.Abhimanyu, Gen.Sec., CHQ was the main speaker, who addressed the house at length. Circle Secretaries of the constituent unions and associations of BSNL in Karnataka Circle, viz., SNEA (I), AIGETOA, BASE (I) BSNL MS , SNATTA and AIBDPA were also present on dias. 497 delegates comprising of Dist.Secretaries,Dist.Presidents,Dist.Treasurers,CEC members,Branch Secretaries and ordinary rank and file members from all the districts of Karnataka Circle attended the meeting. Com. M C Balakrishna Circle President presided over the meeting. Com. Gundanna C K Cir.Sec., welcomed all the leaders, fraternal delegates and the delegates of the BSNLEU and gave key note address. Com. S B Nagavi, Circle Secretary, SNEA (I) addressed the house, on behalf of all the fraternal delegates who were on dias. Com. Sudharshan H V, DS BgTD and CHQ Org.Secretary gave vote of thanks. The house in one voice, resolved to see that the 3rd PRC which is due to BSNL, will be taken with consistent struggles and strikes. Photos have been attached pl.

The Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNLEU, held at Thiruvananthapuram, from 9th to 11th June, 2017, discussed and finalised the guidelines for the formation of an All India BSNL Working Women's Coordination Committee. In accordance with those guidelines, the Convention held at Hyderabad, on 08-07-2017, had elected the All India BSNL Working Women's Coordination Committee. This Committee will work as a sub-committee of BSNLEU. Following is the Committee, elected at Hyderabad. Convenor : Com. P. Indira, Tamil Nadu. Joint Convenors: 1) Com. Bhagyalakshmi, Kerala. 2) Com. Banani Chattopadyaya, West Bengal. 3) Com. Sunithi Choudhary, Bihar. Committee Members: 1) Com. Sharmila Dutta, Kolkata. 2) Com. Niruben Solanki, Gujarat. 3) Com. Meena Choradia, Madhya Pradesh. 4) Com. D. A. Shylla, North East-1 5) Com. C.H.Vanasri, Telengana. 6) Com. Rama Devi, Andhra Pradesh. 7) Com.Sukhpreet Kaur, Punjab. 8) Com. Jyotsana Mokashi, Maharashtra. 9) Com. Latha Kamalakar, Karnataka. 10) Com. V. Latha, Chennai. 11) Com. Chandra Prabha Muchhal, Haryana. 12) Com. Maya Verma, UP(East). 13) Com. Urmila Nagvanshi, Telecom Factory(Jabalpur)

Circle Secretaries and delegates to note please. As already announced, the All India BSNL Working Women's Convention is being ​organised by BSNLEU at Hyderabad, on 08.07.2017. Com.K.Hemalata, National President, CITU, has kindly consented to inaugurate the Convention. The venue of the Convention is Potti Sriramulu Telugu University, near Hyderabad (Nampally) railway station. Staying accommodation for the delegates will be arranged from the morning of 07.07.2017 to the morning of 09.07.2017. Staying beyond this period, has to be paid by the delegates themselves. For details, com.J.Sampath Rao, circle secretary, Telengana circle, may please be contacted over phone no.09440171616

As per the guidelines and instructions of the Unions and Associations of BSNL NEW DELHI, the one day dharana to be held on 20th June 2017, followed by a days hunger strike on 13th July 2017 and day strike on 27th July 2017. Similarly, the day long Dharana notice has been served to CGM Karnataka Circle on 15th June 2017, after the meeting of Unions and Associations of BSNL in Karnataka on 14th June 2017.

. The CEC meeting of BSNLEU, has directed all circle unions to conduct Extended Circle Executive Committee meetings for the purpose of planning and organising the one day strike, to be held on 27.07.2017, on the wage revision issue. All circle secretaries are requested to immediately fix the date for the meeting, in consultation with the CHQ. Each circle will be allotted with a CHQ office bearer, for giving guidance. All branch secretaries should also be invited for the Extended Circle Executive Committee meeting.

The preparatory meeting of BSNL Unions and Associations,Karnataka Circle took place today in BSNLEU office at CGM Office premises. Circle Secretaries, Circle Treasurer, Dist.Secretaries,Dist.Presidents, All India Office bearers of BSNLEU; FNTO; SNATTA; SNEA (I);AIGETOA;BASE (I) participated in the meeting and unanimously decided to make a grand success of the agitational programmes chalked out by New Delhi CHQ of BSNL Unions and Associations, with regard to 3rd PRC and other related issues. The minutes of the meeting held today is circulated to all the participants( kannada version)

The BSNLEU CEC Meeting held at Tiruvananthapuram on 10th and 11th June 2017, unanimously passed the Resolution on Wage Revision, after the Gen.Secretary explained it in detail. Almost all the Cir.Secretaries and the CEC members who spoke on the agenda, unanimously endorsed the views expressed by the Gen.Secretary, both in his report and as well as on the issue seperately. Finally, the resolution which was kept for approval of the house, got endorsed unanimously. Copy of the resolution is attached herewith.

BSNL unions and associations met shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL, today and conveyed to him the decisions taken in the all union / association meeting, held on 02.06.2017, for launching struggles for the settlement of wage revision. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, com. Mohinder Singh (FNTO), com. Badrikumar Mehta (AIGETOA), com. Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNLMS, com. Sunil Gautam, Dy.GS, SNATTA, com. Rakesh Sethi, GS, AIBSNLOA and com. Rana Pratap, GS, BEA, participated in the discussion today. The representatives told the CMD BSNL that they were compelled to launch agitational programme, since the Committee of Secretaries, headed by the Cabinet Secretary, is proceeding with the finalisation of the Cabinet Note, without considering exemption to BSNL from the “Affordability Clause” of the 3rd PRC. They requested the CMD BSNL to strongly take up the issue with the DoT and DPE, in the backdrop of the decision for agitational programme by the unions and associations. The CMD BSNL firmly told that he is with the employees, on the matter of wage revision. In the meeting the representatives strongly demanded that the BSNL Corporate Office order, banning trade union activities should be immediately withdrawn and that the disciplinary actions proceeded against the leaders of the associations should be dropped. The CMD assured to look into the matter.

Subsequent to the 6th Membership Verification, FNTO filed a petition in the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala. The prayer in that petition was that Recognised Unions should not be allowed to nominate “Non-Members” to the councils. BSNLEU take best efforts to bring this case to an end. However, due to the non-cooperation of one of the respondents, the case got dragged on for years together. Under these circumstances, the case came up for final hearing on 26th May, 2017. The Hon’ble Court decided to close the case, since the writ petition filed in this case, has become infructuous. Now, the Recognised Unions are free to make nominations to the councils, as per their choice

Enclosed herewith the decisions of the all Unions/Associations meeting held on 2nd June 2017, with regard to 3rd PRC

The BSNLEU CHQ has called all the Circle and District unions of BSNLEU to join enmass in observation of 2017 May day, in the move to fight for the protection of PSUs all over India... Copy of the CHQ call attached...

Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS and com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, demanded today that, BSNL should immediately conduct one more DR JE recruitment, to meet out the shortage. In their meeting with Ms. Madhu Arora, PGM (Estt.) today, the representatives pointed out the example of Karnataka circle. In that circle, 318 DR JEs have got selected as JTOs in all the three JTO LICEs held in 2016. In their place, Karnataka circle is allotted with only 120 DR JEs. Even in this allotment, a majority of the posts are allotted to the non-recruiting circles of STP, STR, BBNW and NGN, and that Karnataka telecom circle is allotted with only 20 number of DR JEs. It was also pointed out by the representatives that maintenance of the networks and quality of services would be greatly affected in all the circles, if the short fall is not immediately made good. The PGM (Estt.) assured that the matter would be appropriately looked into by the Management.

As regards DR JE recruitment, many candidates are contacting BSNLEU and are expressing their concern, for the delay in the completion of Document Verification (DV) process in many circles, and also the delay in getting orders for training. This issue was discussed by com. P.Abhimanyu, GS with ms. Anima Roy, GM (Rectt.) today. As regards, the non-completion of DV process in certain circles, she told that the delay is due to the fact that, some of the selected candidates have not turned up for the DV process, and hence the administration in those circles has extended the time limit for the candidates to complete their DV process. This is the reason why the DV process is still not completed in certain circles. As regards, the delay in sending candidates for training, the GM (Rectt.) told that totally 2,700 DR JE candidates are selected, and that all of them could not be sent for training in one go. This is due to the shortage of seats in the training centres of BSNL. She also told that already JTO candidates selected in the three LICEs held last year, are also undergoing training now. However, the GM (Rectt.) assured that all the selected DR JE candidates would be sent for training by 15th May, 2017 and that the training of all the candidates will be completed by 30th June, 2017.

As has already been informed by BSNLEU, through it's website updating dated 10-04-2017, as well as through earlier updatings, the DoT has taken over the responsibility of the payment of GPF advance/withdrawal of BSNL employees. However,BSNLEU has already taken up this issue with the Member (Finance) of the DoT, and has already ensured that, the sanctioning of GPF advance/ withdrawal will be done by the SSA heads, as is being done now. As a result of this, the employees will not be facing any fresh restrictions in the payment. Only the payment into the bank accounts of the employees,will be done by the CCAs of the concerned circles. This taking over of the GPF payment, by the DoT, will be done in two phases.

BSNL CORPORATE OFFICE has declared holiday on 14th April 2017, with regard to Dr.B.R.Ambedkar birth day

Good news. 'Free Night Calling Facility' extended to BSNL retirees. BSNLEU's demand partly accepted. We will demand it for the serving employees also. -P.Abhimanyu,GS.

BSNLEU has written a letter to the Member (Services), DoT, urging upon him to initiate immediate action, for the revision of pension of BSNL’s pensioners. BSNLEU has also demanded that the government should put in place a permanent mechanism for the periodical pension revision of BSNL pensioners

In the discussion held with the CMD BSNL today, the GS and the Dy.GS enquired about the status with regards to the Wage Revision of BSNL employees. The CMD BSNL told that the BSNL Management is giving a presentation to the Secretary, DoT, shortly.

In the fourth Cir. Conference of AIBDPA held at Mysuru, Com. Bhandari R G Mysuru, Com. Muddaiah CGM office and Com. Annigeri, Bellary got elected as Cir. President, Cir Secretary and Cir. Treasurer. Gundannack CS BSNLEU. 26.02.2017 Mysuru.

BSNL signed MOU with Canara Bank for extension of loans to employees The MOU signed between BSNL and Canara Bank expired on 31-12-2016. BSNLEU took up the matter with the Corporate Office, and pressed for early signing of MOU, so that employees could get various loans, without any hassle. Corporate Office has taken prompt action on this and an MOU is signed with the Canara Bank on 08-02-2017

The unions and associations of BSNL have called on the Non-Executives and Executives of BSNL to work for one hour extra, from 10-02-2017 to 31-03-2017. Why should we work one hour extra? The unions and associations have already taken many steps, for the financial revival of BSNL. A very good improvement has already come, as a result of this. However, certain developments, like the entry of Reliance Jio, and also demonetisation, have greatly affected the revival process. Especially, the open support being extended to Reliance Jio, by the government and the TRAI, have created very big problems for BSNL. Under these circumstances, it has become very emergent for the employees, to take every possible step to increase the revenue and productivity of the Company, before the financial year ends on 31st March, 2017. The new tariffs recently introduced by BSNL, for voice calls and data, should be given a very big publicity among the people. This will help BSNL in a big way to face the challenge from Reliance Jio. Hence, CHQ calls upon all the circle and district unions of BSNLEU, to take all possible steps, in coordination with all other unions and associations, to implement the decision to work one hour extra.

BSNLEU CHQ demands for Constitution of wage negotiations body for 3rd PRC of non executives, pending receipt of communication from DPE to formation of the same. Letter is attached.

The BSNLEU CHQ has addressed a letter to Corporate office to review such of those cases where the questions & key answers in Section A and B were wrong, multiple answers are wrong or the key answers are wrong, due to which many officials have been declare unqualified. The letter of GS BSNLEU CHQ is made available for further details.

Bsnleuchq Wage Next Pdf

The Asst.General Manager (Estt.III) has addressed a letter to all CGMs to communicate the Corporate Office about the working strength and the vacancy position as on 31.03.2016 in order to hold the promotional LICE examination to Telecom Technician Cadre. The Corporate Office letter is attached herewith.

ಯೋಧರ ಬಲಿದಾನದಲ್ಲೂ ರಾಜಕೀಯ ಮಾಡುವ ಮೋದಿ 'ಖೂನ್‌ ಕಿ ದಲ್ಲಾಳಿ': ರಾಹುಲ್‌

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eu eros sit amet est vulputate dignissim ac at mauris. Etiam a quam tempor, dictum velit eu, mollis sapien. Proin lobortis quam dictum egestas varius. Mauris et nisl aliquam, venenatis purus sit amet, dapibus turpis. Vivamus vel quam feugiat, efficitur neque vitae, tempus elit. Pellentesque aliquet pellentesque massa. Ut vestibulum maximus ullamcorper. Donec in velit est. Nam hendrerit dui vel vehicula sagittis. Morbi imperdiet consequat felis. Nunc hendrerit sem sit amet nulla condimentum, sit amet euismod nunc aliquam. Nullam sapien purus, pellentesque at nisl a, scelerisque luctus nulla. Fusce tincidunt tempor ornare. Nam non nibh vestibulum, viverra est sit amet, elementum nibh. Mauris luctus dolor vitae augue malesuada, a auctor libero sollicitudin. Vivamus vehicula felis eu mattis porttitor. Donec sed efficitur arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut posuere a justo id maximus. Donec at hendrerit nibh. Etiam in felis placerat, dictum lacus in, convallis purus. Pellentesque id lorem gravida, bibendum tellus nec, fermentum lorem. Fusce aliquet ex non laoreet placerat. Nulla quis purus volutpat, venenatis lorem sit amet, lobortis justo. Sed pellentesque nulla massa, blandit iaculis tortor semper id. Maecenas nec magna tortor. Phasellus auctor fermentum lorem, id rhoncus ligula accumsan non. Donec nulla ipsum, vehicula non fermentum egestas, finibus a metus.

Latest updates from BSNLEU CHQ as on 30th Sept.,2016 has been uploaded in both Kannada and English versions on the subject matters of Discrimination in facilities extended to recognised unions,Pension Contribution of BSNL to Direct Recruitees, Payment of GPF before Dasara festival and approval of PLI by BSNL Management.,

The 2nd September 2016 General Strike in Karnataka Circle was a grand success in its true spirit. The BSNLEU members and the members of the SNATTA and SC-ST employees who are paid members of BSNLEU in all most all SSAs of Karnataka Circle took part in the strike, along with the Casual and Contract workers Union , in all parts of the Karnataka Circle. To be more realistic in the report, the 2nd September 2016 strike was more of a success than the strike of 2015 General Strike. This time, the strike did not take place not only at Dist. Headquarters, but the strike has taken place even in all most all branches of the BSNLEU in a most successful way. Photos received from various SSAs and also from some of the talukas (branches) shows that our union members sitting in front of the gates, raising the slogans etc., and the gates are closed completely in some of the branches. The Dist.Secretaries of all most all SSAs has sent their report along with photos and it is really an inspiring thing for those who witness it to participate in Strike. The most important point of this time strike is, our union members have joined the rallies organized by JCTU and also they addressed it on behalf of BSNLEU. The State level convention conducted by the Circle Union on August 4th, addressed by Com.P.Abhimanyu, Gen.Secretary in detail and the District and Circle level office bearers who attended the Convention have definitely carried out the message of the Convention, which is the primary factor for the great success of the strike. Photos received from various SSAs is appended herewith,.

The English and Kannada versions of the CHQ updates have been uploaded in the website. This include the Demands day to be observed on 17th August 2016 and the NITI Aayog recommendations on Strategic Sale of PSUs. Request you to please go through the same and make the programmes a successful one at all levels.

An extract detailing the issues addressed to Director (HR) is attached herewith.please.

BSNLEU Karnataka Circle is observing the 125th Birth day celebrations of babasaheb Dr.B R Ambedkar on 18th June 2016 at Karnataka State Open University Auditorium, Manasa Gangothri, Mysuru.The programme will commence from 1100 hours and will be uptill 1400 hours. The main speaker - the special invitee - for this august programme is Dr.Shivakumara, who is working at Kuvempu Study Center, Manasa Gangothri,Mysuru. The personal introductory biio-data details of Dr.Shiva Kumara is attached to this letter.In addition, Com. P.Abhimanyu, Gen.Secretary, Com. M C Balakrishna, Asst.Gen.Secretary, Com.B P Narayana,Cir.President and Com.N.Basavaraju,Dist.President Mysuru will also be on dais. BSNL Employees from Bengaluru,Mysuru,Mandya,Tumakuru,Hasana and Madikeri districts are hereby invited to participate in the programme and thus make the observation of Dr. Ambedkar birth day celebrations,a grand success. Once again, on behalf of my Circle Working Committee members and all the Dist.Secretaries of BSNLEU Karnataka Circle, I take this privilege to invite you all to the progamme- GUNDANNA C K Cir.Secretary BSNLEU KTK Circle.

The Circle Working Committee meeting of BSNLEU Karnataka Circle will be held on 18th and 19th June 2016 at Mysuru. Meeting Notice is attached for the information of all CWC members and Dist.Secretaries.

The services of BSNL suffer to a great extent due to the damaging of the OFC and copper cables of BSNL. However, due precautionary and follow up actions are not being taken at the field levels. In most of the cases, where filing of FIR is warranted, the same is not being done. This issue was seriously raised by the Staff Side in the 34th meeting of the National Council. Following this, Corporate Office has sent a letter to all the CGMs. Even this letter also seems to be a mere formality only. Hence, circle and district unions are requested to be vigilant on this issue, and create sufficient pressure on the field level administration to take serious action

JAO LICE under 10% quota is to be held on 28-08-2016. The Recruitment Branch of the Corporate Office has issued notification, to hold the JAO LICE under 10% quota on 28-08-2016. There are totally 365 vacancies for which this examination is going to be conducted.KARNATAKA CIRCLE VACANCY POSITION IS OC-12;SC-02;ST-02 TOTAL 16 VACANCIES. LETTER ATTACHED.

Corporate Office letter dated 19th May 2016, issued by Sri.Ram Shakal, Addl,.GM (SR) on the subject matter of Granting of facilities to the recognised unions after 7th Membership Verfication is attached herewith. All are requested to note the same

PLEASE FIND ATTACHED THE RESULT SHEET OF BSNLEU KARNATAKA CIRCLE AS ON 1417 HOURS. THE RESULTS OF BgTD is awaited. it will be upted once it is received.. As on time, we are 53% approximately in Karnataka Circle Thanks and Congrats to all the BSNLEU MEMBERS who made it possible in 7th Membership verification.....

The BSNL Corporate Office has answered certain queries related to preparation of voters list and voting eligibility criterias.... please go through the attached file.

A very massive meeting of all the branches of Bengaluru East and North East took place at Halasuru Telephone Exchange premises. The meeting was addressed by Com.S. Chellappa, Asst.General Secretary, BSNLEU CHQ. Com. Chellappa, spoke at length about the achievements of BSNLEU since inception of BSNL and the role played by BSNLEU in a very crucial times of wage revision, promotion policy, survival of BSNL and other major issues. It was very emotional thing for all the leaders of BSNLEU, that after the completion of Com.Chellappa’s speech almost all the members who attended the meeting, came & met Com.Chellappa personally and thanked him for his very detailed and narrative speech what he made. In addition to this meeting, all the important Dist.Office bearers of SNATTA along with Cir.Secretary of SNATTA, came in motor bike rally from PGM Office to Halasur T E wearing red colored T Shirts and made table to table campaigne for BSNLEU in Halasur T E office and CGM Office. Com. Sadashivam, Branch President, Com. Kumareshan Branch Secretary, Halasuru Telephone Exchange, Com.Sudharshan H V Dist.Secretary, Com.Karunakaran, Dy.Cir.Sec., SEWA BSNL, Prashanth H Y Cir.Secretary SNATTA, Com.Irfan Pasha ACS BSNLEU KTK Circle, Com.Kumar Cir.Org.Secretary, Com. T S K Rao, Dist.V P were on the dais along with Com. C K Gundanna Cir.Sec. All the Vice Presidents and ADS and other dist.Office bearers of Bengaluru Telecom Dist and AIBDPA attended the meeting. Com.Govindaraju, ADS BgTD, compeered the meeting. with BSNLEU members from Indiranagar, Koramangala, BG East, Lazar Road, Kammanahalli and other branches attended the meeting along with Halasur T E members.

NFTE was a party to agree to a meager PLI amount on 30th March 2016, meeting. But immediately on 31st March it denied that it has never agreed to it, when BSNLEU campaigned that it will be a shameful act on all non executive employees to accept two digit PLI amount as offered by BSNL Management. Here is the three episodes story of true NFTE colur.. please go through and bring it to the notice of our employees, irrespective of union affiliations.......

NFTE was a party to agree to a meager PLI amount on 30th March 2016, meeting. But immediately on 31st March it denied that it has never agreed to it, when BSNLEU campaigned that it will be a shameful act on all non executive employees to accept two digit PLI amount as offered by BSNL Management. Here is the three episodes story of true NFTE colur.. please go through and bring it to the notice of our employees, irrespective of union affiliations.......

EXTRACT OF THE SAMPLE BALLOT PAPER OF 7th Membership verification is attached herewith for general and advance information purpose.

[09.04.2016]Flip-flop, about turn and somersault of NFTE on PLI issue. NFTE is criticising BSNLEU on various platforms on the PLI issue. Hence, we are duty bound to give reply to NFTE. In it's Aurangabad CEC meeting, NFTE took decision to organise 'indefinite hunger strike' on the PLI issue. But, this programme was never conducted. Will NFTE friends tell the workers why even 'a single day hunger strike' was not organised by them on PLI issue. When the CMD offered only a 2 digit PLI, BSNLEU rightly rejected it. BSNLEU said, paying PLI in a 2 digit amount is an insult to the workers. It rightly demanded payment of Minimum PLI. But, NFTE crawled before the CMD and accepted the 2 digit PLI. On 30.03.2016, com. Islam Ahmed ran 'a 100 metre race' and attended the PLI Committee meeting convened at 'only one day's notice'. In the meeting, he declared that NFTE is not rejecting the meagre amount of PLI, offered by the Management Side. (NFTE website entry dated 30.03.2016 ) However, after 'facing music' from his own people, on the next day itself, com. Islam Ahmed somersaulted, ran to the Director(HR), and told her that NFTE is not accepting the 'meagre amount of PLI.' (NFTE website entry dated 31.03.2016) Now, com. Islam Ahmed says that the door for PLI payment was opened by NFTE after 7 years, and now the amount has to be bargained. BSNLEU has already demanded Minimum PLI, and to achieve this, two rounds of agitational programme are already conducted by BSNLEU and it's alliance partners. Cooperation to the Management is totally withdrawn from 08.04.2016. Will com. Islam Ahmed say what agitation NFTE is going to conduct to bargain for a better PLI?