• * Patch a Wii image while. Funktioniert einwandfrei mit dem USB-Loader GX. Then your Disc gets dumped to the stick and you can patch it via Wiimmfi patcher.
  • No freezing issue for the pal version on a Pal wii, USB loader 1.5, CIOS rev9 (affected by spindown, perfect if disabled on drive) works on rev10 too. For NTSC Wii, set video mode to disc default or PAL, and set VIDTV to disabled, this only works if using component cable for 480p.
  1. Download Usb Loader Gx 4.3
  2. How To Use Usb Loader Gx
04-08-2015, 12:34 PM

Sneek video patch: it's a method to patch video mode for imported games used by Sneek. I think only one game required it, I don't remember which one. So we added it to the loader just to let users select it. - dol Video patch: This one patch the list of video modes located in the main.dol of the game.

Download Usb Loader Gx 4.3

Preemptive edit: I know this belongs in the wii game room, but for some reason it wouldn't let me post the topic there.
Well it's finally here, the final wii game ever. I just have one problem. It doesn't want to run in Dolphin!
All I get is a black screen under Direct3D, Open GL, & even the developer plugin.
FPS stays at 1fps on black screen unless external frame buffer is set to real, in which case it still displays a black screen but displays 60fps/60vps instead.
No other settings seem to change anything. Open to any suggestions.
It plays fine on my physical wii, but did not want to run on wii until I set USBloader GX settings to this. Hopefully that sheds some light on what settings it might need under dolphin. Will post screenshots if I get it up & running.
Video Mode: Region Patch
VIDTV Patch: On
Patch Country Strings: ON
Game Language: Japanese
GTX 980
i5- 4690k
Windows 7 64 Ultimate
Posted by3 years ago

How To Use Usb Loader Gx

Wii Usb Loader Gx Vidtv Patch

[Question] I need help with starting project m (if this isnt the right /r/ to ask this just tell me and ill remove it)

Hi I play pm on my wii. the thing is that im from europe and i bought a ntsc version of the gama and ripped it to get the iso as everyone told me to. a problem that accurs tho is that i need to use a homebrew loader to play it and no matter the setting i select theres allways one of 4 outcomes. 1. the wii crashes 2. the game plays normal but with this red filter over it 3. the colors are correct but the game is slow as sleepy snail and 4. the game plays normal. the last one is like 10% of the time and even when i change the settings and the game works it wont the next time i start it! anyone know why this is like this and how to fix it?

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