1. Softball
  2. Softball Throw Record
  3. Crossfit Fail Videos
Posted by9 months ago

Vellner is amazing.

The guy crashed in the first event like he usually does, and still ends the first day in 6th. If he had even finished in the top 15 of the bike, he would be the leader.

Crossfit Softball Throw Fail
  1. In case you missed it: the epic 2011 Crossfit Games Aug 02, 2011 Crossfit, Health and Fitness Comments 3 min read. A softball throw for distance.
  2. Aug 12, 2011 - I got sick with the flu early last year and was laid out for a couple of days. Up until that point I was doing crossfit only casually, just enough to.

I know he made his own bed in the first event with cutting and poor familiarization with gear changes but to have the mental fortitude to charge on the next 3 events is amazing.

I think Mat is still the overwhelming favorite but I would be VERY surprised if Vellner does not give him a run for his money.

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To show you what not to do, each week STACK brings you a moment from the weight room or sports field gone horribly wrong.

After 10 months of writing Fitness Fail Friday, I've discovered that the Venn Diagram of people who love CrossFit and people who love CrossFit fails looks like this:

If you're on the left, I apologize in advance for what comes next. Actually, you might be happier if you just click here. Please know that STACK does not hate you, your sport or your five-toe shoes.

Aug 2, 2011 - This included an L sit hold for time, a handstand walk for distance and, my personal favorite, a softball throw for distance. In the past, Crossfit.

If you're on the right, keep reading. You're going to enjoy this.

Kipping Katastrophe

Watching someone do Kipping Pull-Ups can feel like watching a three-year-old put the dishes away while standing on a chair. You know something's going to break, you just don't know when.

The Box Jump of Death

There's no graceful way to fail a four-foot Box Jump. You either succeed or you need to take a concussion test. Also, maybe it's a good idea to never jump on a stack of flimsy plastic platforms.

Way Too Much Weight Guy


We've featured this guy before, but we had to bring him back for an encore. Every second of this video is perfection.

The Bad Box

Softball Throw Record

The overwhelming majority of CrossFit boxes are staffed by smart trainers who know their stuff. But there are a few bad boxes. How do you know if you need to switch? Here's a hint: If someone shoots a video at your box and names it 'The Worst Weightlifting Video in the History of Weightlifting Videos,' you're probably at a bad box.

Crossfit Fail Videos

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