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Manual de instrucciones dela lavadora aspes la-143. That is because it is easy for students to turn papers in late this way. I am strongly against procrastinating and do not think that turning your paper in late is good for you (as you will get behind in work) or for the professor (because you are giving them extra work.). Hack College's School Directory Find schools.

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  1. Late Submission Letter
  2. Late Submission

Late Submission Letter

Posted by1 year ago

Are students taking advantage of me?

How to submit to turnitinSorry for the late submission

I have students submit written assignments to Blackboard. This semester I've had more than a few instances of students posting assignments in '.pages' format, posting a document that doesn't open in Blackboard for some reason, or posting a blank page. I haven't seen this happen in previous semesters so I've assumed that it's an honest mistake and I've sent an email to the student asking him/her to repost in a format that is readable in Blackboard (like .docx). I have a firm deadline for assignments and don't accept assignments late. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm being played by some of the students. Perhaps the thinking goes - I don't have my work done, I'll submit some crap format that he can't read, and then Dr. Pushover will send me an email that will give me more time to get it done. Is this a ploy that I've been too naive to catch on to until now? Do others have this problem?

Edit: consensus seems to be that students may be playing me and that I should have a policy in the syllabus - perhaps pdf only - and then deduct points or don't accept it if it's not correct. Thanks!!

Late Submission

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