CLEVELAND, Ohio - The Plain Dealer continues exploring the quality of care in Ohio nursing homes. Our most recent update allows you to check how individual long-term care sites ranked in the state, based on residents' satisfaction in 2017. Ohio's Department of Aging released the rankings this summer (2018), and we linked to the survey results for each facility, including assisted-living residences.

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We also offer consumers tips in finding a quality nursing home. It could be one of the most important decisions a family member makes. The decision is made even more difficult because of the long waiting lists at some of the best facilities. For those not on Medicaid, the out-of-pocket cost could reach $6,000 to $8,000 a month.

Previously, we looked at the federal government's statistical measure for rating care facilities, the importance of staffing and the millions of dollars in fines levied against nursing homes. If you missed any of it, such as the perils of being a nursing assistant, you will find story headlines with links to the full text below.

The Ohio Department of Aging offers families help in making one of life's most difficult decisions: finding a quality assisted-living center or nursing home.
The state offers its 2017 Ohio Residents' Satisfaction Surveys, which provide information about facilities from the perspective of residents and their families. Inspection-report summaries as well as the survey reports can be found online on the Ohio Long-Term Care Consumer Guide.
The surveys were devised by the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University and conducted by Vital Research.

Fill out one field in the box below to search assisted living facilities in Ohio and find the rankings and scores based on the 2017 Ohio Residents' Satisfaction Survey:

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Fill out one field in the box below to search nursing homes in Ohio to find out rankings and scores based on residents' satisfaction:

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Link to all surveys for the Top 25 Nursing Homes on The Plain Dealer List

Link to all surveys for the Top 25 Assisted Living Facilities on The Plain Dealer List

The Plain Dealer-lists used the state rankings to find top scoring facilities in our seven-county coverage area. The Plain Dealer ranked these facilities in comparison with other the other local sites.

Previous coverage

Nursing homes assistants among Ohio's most dangerous occupations

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
For the more than 75,000 residents of Ohio's 960 nursing homes, nursing assistants provide nearly all of the hands-on care. It is a job that comes with a serious cost: One of the highest reported rates of injury in Ohio and across the nation. Continue reading

Solutions to nursing home worker injuries seen as an investment

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
Working as a nurse's assistant is among the jobs with the highest reported rates of injury in Ohio and the country. But some nursing homes employ tools that make it safer for workers, driving down the number of injuries and workers' compensation costs. Continue reading

Safety professionals say finding resources isn't always easy

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
Nursing home administrators, staff and advocates aren't always aware of all the resources that exist. If they are, sometimes they are hesitant to take advantage of them. Continue reading

Survey reveals nursing home aides' struggles, injuries and pain

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
Eighty-four percent of the respondents to The Plain Dealer's online survey of nursing assistants said they always or frequently deal with short staffing. Continue reading

Lawmakers, advocates bicker over updated regulations for nursing homes

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
A group of 146 lawmakers has urged federal officials to re-evaluate revised regulations in nursing homes, saying some of the measures are excessive and financial burdens. Advocates for residents, however, say more regulation is needed, not less. Continue reading

Advocates seek tighter rules in Ohio nursing homes after Florida deaths

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
The deaths at a Florida nursing home caused Florida Gov. Rick Scott to mandate nursing homes and assisted living centers obtain emergency generators that can provide power for up to four days. He gave the facilities 60 days to install the equipment. Continue reading

Rocky River nursing home offers $375,000 settlement involving overdose death

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
Normandy Manor is seeking to resolve the wrongful death suit filed in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court involving the estate of Susanne Lawrence, 83, of Westlake. Lawrence's family has accepted the offer and is seeking a judge's approval of it, according to court records. Continue reading

Ohio nursing homes fear losing $800 million in Medicaid funding in healthcare bill

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
Ohio nursing homes fear losing as much as $800 million a year in Medicaid funding in the proposed overhaul. The state's nursing home lobby said the cuts could come within the next few years if the plan clears legislative hurdles in Washington. Continue readingDownload Hd Loader Ps2 FateFree download hd loader

Ohio budget deal that cut nursing home care standards still a key issue

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer

The 2011 Ohio budget included a little-known concession between lawmakers and the nursing home lobby. Legislators cut $360 million in Medicaid to nursing homes. At the same time, they reduced the minimum staffing standards at nursing homes, a move that has angered advocates.
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Top-rated nursing homes in Ohio's 88 counties

Using updated data released in April, The Plain Dealer below lists all of Ohio's above-average rated nursing homes as determined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
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Ohio nursing home inspectors fail to meet federal deadlines amid serious understaffing

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
The officials charged with making sure the state's most vulnerable receive proper care -- is understaffed by at least a dozen employees. Continue reading

What a nursing home inspection entails in Ohio

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
These are some of the things that the inspectors do during their examinations:
  • Interview about 40 percent of the nursing home's residents on their care, concerns and feelings on the nursing home.
  • Review the nursing home's staffing levels.
  • ... Continue reading

Tips for choosing a nursing home

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
One of the hardest things for anyone to do is place a loved one in a nursing home. It is even more difficult when the decision must be made quickly. 'It's not like you have a list of quality nursing homes sitting in a drawer,' said Jeni Coyne, program director of Long-Term Care Ombudsman. She and other advocates offer these tips in choosing a nursing home: Continue reading

Ohio nursing homes among the nation's lowest rated in quality of care

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
Dozens of other residents in Ohio nursing homes have died over the past few years in incidents involving their care, a Plain Dealer review of inspection reports shows. A federal statistical measure, meanwhile, rates Ohio's nursing homes among the nation's lowest in quality of care. Continue reading

Federal rating system is flawed, nursing homes say

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
Critics of the federal star-rating classifications for nursing homes, Nursing Home Compare, say the system is flawed. They noted it penalizes homes for problems that may have occurred years ago, and say it punishes facilities that take in the most seriously ill residents. And that's unfair, according to representatives of local facilities. Continue reading

Abuse case, resident's death raise questions about nursing home care

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
One incapacitated resident at Park East Care and Rehab Centerwas tormented by an employee who admitted spraying cleaning solution into his eyes. Another resident died, after Park East's nursing staff apparently twice neglected to clean his breathing tube, according to state and federal reports. Continue reading

Inside stories about nursing home care in Ohio: A Critical Choice, Reporters' Notebook

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
Hundreds of readers and commenters, including former and current employees of nursing homes, have responded to the first installments of The Plain Dealer's investigation, 'A Critical Choice,' about the quality of care in many of Ohio's care facilities. Workers stressed how chronic understaffing made their jobs even more stressful.

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We'd like you to tell us about your experiences regarding nursing homes

John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
As we examine best practices and problems within the nursing home industry, we seek your input, whether good or bad. Let us know. Continue reading

One-star nursing homes in Northeast Ohio

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John Caniglia and Jo Ellen Corrigan, The Plain Dealer
In a federal rating system, one star is the lowest; five stars is the highest for rating nursing homes. Learn what facilities earned one-star overall ratings in Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, Portage, Summit, Medina and Lorain counties. Continue reading

Searching for specific information on an Ohio nursing home? Try this form. Type in one category or a combination. When looking for a rating, type in a number between 1 and 5 or leave blank.

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View the Nursing Home Compare site to search nursing homes across the country and for updates after March 2017.