Posted by3 years ago
Dragonrise inc. generic usb joystick

Libretro / retroarch-joypad-autoconfig. Input_driver = ' udev '. Input_device = ' DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick '. I have two joysticks. Both of them are detected in Ubuntu as 'DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick'. And their second axis (the right stick) is detected as part of the first axis, and works erratic.

Dragonrise Inc. Generic Usb Joystick Driver

Problem with USB N64 controller config

I have a DragonRise Inc Generic USB joystick, N64 style, bought off ebay.

RetroPie v3.2.1

Dragonrise Inc. Generic Usb Joystick

The base config 'works' well enough in N64 games, but the problem I have is that the analog stick acts like a D-pad, in that there's no ramping up to full speed. It's a step function.


I ran jstest /dev/input/js0, and I noticed axes 0 and 1 are working for the D-pad 0 --> +/-32767. When using the analog stick, I get the same behavior as the D-pad on axes 0 and 1, and axis 2 ramps up and down in the x-direction. There is no other axis responding to the analog stick in the y-direction.

So I went into /opt/retropie/configs/n64/InputAutoCfg.ini and changed the line to:

X Axis = axis(2-,2+)

from axis 0 as default in the appropriate DragonRise entry. At first, this did nothing. I realized that another entry, Retrolink USB clone, had a conflicting name 'Generic USB joystick' which was overwriting all the configs into mupen64plus.cfg. Now that I removed that block, I am getting ramping in-game in the x-direction, and mupen64plus.cfg seems to now agree with InputAutoCfg.ini.

So I am on to something here, but I still cannot explain why the y-direction is not ramping in jstest, and thus, in-game. I have 2 of these controllers and they both act the same way. Are both of these controllers just faulty? Is there some configuration I can tweak to get the y-axis on the analog stick to react properly to small moves?

jstest claims driver v2.1.0 if that means anything. Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to offer.

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